Dynamixel sensors and communication modules
The Dynamixel sensors and modules enable your robots to interact with their environment and make them more autonomous. Dynamixel is well known for its servomotors but also for its complete brand that includes sensors, structural parts and much more for robotics.
The DMS-80 distance sensor offers to your Bioloid or Dynamixel mobile robots to measure distances and therefore to detect obstacles.
The GS-12 gyro sensors allows your Dynamixel or Bioloid mobile robots to kwnow their angular speeds on two axis.
The BT-210 Bluetooth Module is a wireless communication module using Bluetooth technology: it allows your robot to connect with other devices fitted with a Bluetooth 2.1 interface.
The BT-410 USB Bluetooth dongle enables you to establish communication between your robot and your PC via the BT-410 slave module.
The CS-10 color sensor can detect up to 6 colors.
The MGSS-10 magnetic sensor is a contact sensor... requiring no actual contact!
The DYNAMIXEL MKR shield is an extension board that plugs into the popular Arduino MKR.
The USB2AX is a small interface to control Dynamixel servomotors like the AX-12 or the MX-28T from a computer.
use this PCB connector to extend your constructions based on Dynamixel actuators
Need a remote to control your Robotis robotics kit? The RC-100B Remote Control offers you up to 1,023 different command combinations and 3 different communication protocols!
Program many Dynamixel servos directly with the U2D2 Dynamixel/PC connector, for AX/MX to pro series!
The Dynamixel shield for Arduino from Robotis can be used to control yourDynamixel servo motors using your Arduino board or an OpenCR controller.
You can now power, connect and program all your Dynamixel servos, whatever the model, thanks to this official and very clever Dynamixel starter set.
The Dynamixel communication bridge is designed to convert the RS485 or TTL signals from your servo motors into a single signal for analysis on your computer.
When connected to a robot, this Robotis Bluetooth module allows a tablet or smartphone to control the robot using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 4.0 protocol.
The BT-410 set includes a master module and a slave module for transmitting data over a Bluetooth BLE connection, for instance between a robot and an RC-100B type wireless controller.
The IRSS-10 infrared sensor is a robotics accessory that allows a platform to discern colours and obstacles.
A sensor that can detect contact with surrounding surfaces and objects.
The OpenRB-150 is a next-generation, open-source, Arduino compatible embedded controller.