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The Generation Robots group announces a €3 million fund-raising round and become a part of NGX Robotics
Hebdo Éco - What will robots change for the economy and our daily lives?
Mérignac (33): a robot made in Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Founder of Génération Robots, Jérôme Laplace built his own robot, an "off-road" mobile robot, that can take care autonomously the surveillance of large industrial complexes, as well as carrying out other inspection activities.
Interview with Thierry Breton, CEO of Atos: Impressions of the four entrepreneurs (Jérôme Laplace)
Afetr the interview with Thierry Breton, CEO of Atos, publicly traded giant in the information technologies sector and former minister, the four entyrepreneurs have talked about their impressions. Jérôme Laplace: «I wonder when he ever finds the time to read!»
Bordeaux, Hotbed of innovation
Le mag éco - Jérôme Laplace, CEO Generation Robots par TV7 Bordeaux
Technology: these robots that interfere with our lives
In the heart of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), robots are now also used in various service areas. This raises many ethical and social questions. A human-like robot as a salesman, clerk, factory employee or member of a board of directors.
Generation Robots flourishes and hires several people
Within a few years, the young company has developed into the European market leader in online sales of programmable robots. Today it is diversifying in the industry 4.0. The startup has a promising future!
Generation robots, breeders of androids. The company is programming the brain of our work colleagues and companions of tomorrow.
NAO welcomes you from a height of 58 centimeters and turns its head to be able to see you. He blinks and greets you, "What would you like to do?" and invites the visitor to choose a language from four options on a touchscreen.
Generation Robots and Humarobotics
Known on the Internet since 2008, Generation Robots sells robot solutions that are increasingly oriented towards the development side. We have meet this young start-up in their premises in Bordeaux ...