Ultrasonic sensors: purposes
Just like infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors are easy to use and reasonably priced.
It will therefore come as no surprise to learn that ultrasonic sensors are found in many robotics kits (the Lego Mindstorms NXT kit includes this type of sensor as standard).
Ultrasonic sensors will enable your robot to detect obstacles and assess how far away they are.
Ultrasonic sensors: directivity
The directivity of ultrasonic sensors is very reliable.
Unlike infrared sensors and lasers, ultrasonic sensors have a relatively wide cone angle.
The measurements they take become less precise as the distance between the obstacle and the robot increases; although ultrasonic sensors have a shorter range than lasers, it is longer than that of infrared sensors.
If you want to find out more, see our article on ultrasonic sensors on our website.If you want to find out more, see our article on ultrasonic sensors on our website.