White papers, guides, catalogues, case studies...

Catalogue Génération Robots 2024/2025


Génération Robots: your partner in robotics and AI

Explore our latest product selection, including quadruped robots, outdoor and indoor mobile robots, robotic arms, educational robots, humanoid robots, service robots, depth cameras, LiDAR, servomotors, and much more. Also, discover the NGX Robotics group and the brands that contribute to our expertise and added value.

Mobile robots buying guide


Mobile robots: a guide to buying on a budget

Want to choose the right robot for your budget? Download our complete buying guide, explore the different price ranges and discover the essential features to make your projects a success.

Quadruped robots white paper


Quadruped robots: Boston Dynamics & Unitree Robotics

Discover a detailed analysis of each robot dog, a full comparison and examples of applications to help you choose the quadruped robot best suited to your project!

AgileX mobile robots white paper


Our comparison of the different mobile robots from AgileX Robotics

Discover a detailed presentation of each robot (over 20 robots), full comparisons and case studies to help you choose the robot best suited to your project.

White paper on mobile manipulators


Mobile robot manipulators: an effective 2-in-1 solution for a wide range of sectors

Mobile robots equipped with robotic arms offer effective solutions in a wide range of sectors, fromagriculture to scientific research andmanufacturing. Download our white paper to find out about our successful projects and ready-to-use packages.

Customer case University of Freiburg


Integration of 4 omnidirectional mobile robots with collaborative arms on a telescopic column (University of Fribourg)

Génération Robots has supplied four mobile manipulator robots equipped with omnidirectional platforms, telescopic columns and robotic arms for the University of Freiburg, a renowned research institution.

Ouster white paper


OUSTER: Digital 3D LiDAR for robotics

Discover a detailed presentation and the key benefits of each Ouster LiDAR, as well as comparisons with other brands and case studies to help you choose the LiDAR best suited to your robotics project!