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Available exclusively at Génération Robots, the Pixl board was made for using Dynamixel XL-320 motors on a Raspberry Pi designed for the Poppy Ergo Jr educational robot. Not compatible with Raspberry Pi 3B+.
Whether you’re a novice or experienced robot enthusiast, you’ve probably already heard of the Poppy project, an open-source hardware and software technology platform born of French research.
Poppy draws on a Creative Commons license and a community of contributors sharing freely their knowledge and experience. The project already gave rise to 2 robotics platforms: the Poppy HumanoidPoppy Humanoid and Poppy TorsoPoppy Torso creatures. Poppy Ergo Jr, a fully 3D printed educational robot for easily learning programming and robotics, is the very latest addition to the Poppy family.
This robotic arm comes with 6 Dynamixel XL-320 motors, several interchangeable accessories, a fun programming environment and a manual of activities. This robot can be fully assembled without having to get out your soldering iron. It is controlled by a Pixl board which can also power a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B board.
The Pixl board for Ergo Jr:
Your Pixl board, which is included in the Poopy Ergo Jr kit, is designed to power and control up to 6 compatible Dynamixel motors. It plugs directly into pins 1 to 10 of your Raspberry Pi, and can be powered via a jack plug or using a Robotis LBB-040 battery holder.
Please note that you need to switch off the power supply of the Pixl board before you disconnect it from your Raspberry Pi. Also, we highly recommend that you do not reload the batteries while they are still plugged into the Pixl board. And, do not combine the 2 powering modes, as it could damage Poppy Ergo Jr’s components.
Schematics, code libraries, presentation: in these links you’ll find all the information you need to know about the Pixl board.
Anonymous A. published the 30/10/2020 following an order made on 18/10/2020
product as expected
Anonymous A. published the 26/01/2018 following an order made on 26/01/2018