The Sick LMS511 laser scanner is a laser measurement sensor with medium range even under difficult climatic conditions thanks to its multi-echo technology. Its compact IP 67-rated enclosure with built-in heating make the LMS511 a sturdy laser sensor suitable for a great many environments with severe constraints. The principal advantages of the Sick LMS511 laser scanner are its low power consumption, fast signal processing, several inputs and outputs and, lastly, the possibility of synchronising several sensors together.
Multi-echo technology
The surroundings and the weather can cause interference. Fog, dust, rain and even simply a window are all sources of interference for a laser scanner. Thanks to its exclusive multi-echo technology, Sick’s laser scanners offer greater resistance to interference. They can receive multiple echoes of a laser emission, which enables them to distinguish the real measurement from interference, as shown in the diagram below.
Technical characteristics of the Sick LMS511-10100 PRO
The technical characteristics of the Sick LMS511-10100 PRO laser scanner are as follows :
Features of the Sick LMS511-10100 PRO laser scanner
Field of application: Outdoor
Version: Mid Range
Variant: PRO
Varied resolutions: Standard resolution
Light source: Infrared (905 nm)
Laser class: 1 (IEC 60825-1 (2007-6)), no risk to eyes
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): EN 61000-6-2:2005 ∕ EN 61000-6-3 (2007-03)
Vibration resistance: EN 60068-2-6 (1995-04)
Impact resistance: EN 60068-2-27 (1993-03) ∕ EN 60068-2-29 (1993-04)
Operating temperature: -30 °C ... +50 °C
Storage temperature: -30 °C ... +70 °C
Stray light resistance: 70,000 lx
Warning: We draw users’ attention to the fact that the LMS laser scanners are not safety components under the meaning of the Machinery Directive 2006/42 EC. Hence they may not be used for protecting persons in high-risk applications without additional control measurements using safety-certified devices.