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SPOT Core I/O is a Spot robot payload designed for equipping your quadruped mobile platform with a variety of robotics accessories.

The Bunker Pro mobile robot is a tracked UGV robot with a heavy-duty design. It can handle the toughest terrain, both indoors and out, while putting up a solid defence against dust and water.

This 2D lidar allows real-time mapping, localisation and navigation. It’s compatible with the Unitree robot dogs.

Delivery within 4 weeks

SPOT EAP 2: the second version of a package designed to improve the autonomy of your Spot robot dog. Equipped with a Velodyne VLP-16 lidar and SPOT CORE I/O processor.


Simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM), exploration, security inspection, reconnaissance... the AgileX research and development kit is an excellent choice if you have a Jetson Nano, and for anyone wanting to try it out!

Delivery within 4-6 weeks

The RS-LiDAR-16 for Unitree robots is a miniature 16-beam 3D LiDAR with a range of 150 metres and accuracy of 2 cm.

Price upon request

This radio kit makes Spot’s WiFi network more efficient (range and speed).

Price upon request

The pro version of the AgileX R&D kit allows you to take your development of robotic autonomous navigation and SLAM applications even further. It has an even more powerful processor and sensors!

For controlling your Spot robot remotely, from wherever you are!

Price upon request

The Aliengo robot dog battery provides up to 4.5 hours of autonomy for all the routine operations carried out by your four-legged mobile platform.

The AgileX Autoware open-source autonomous kit is a complete development kit for making your mobile robotic platforms fully autonomous.

Navis is a autonomous navigation system compatible with all AgileX's robotic platforms. It is designed for semi-enclosed and fully enclosed scenarios.

Price upon request

This B1 robot dog battery offers approximately 2 hours of continuous operation.

Price upon request

Génération Robots' engineering design department (GR Lab) has developed a ROS research and development kit, adaptable to AgileX Robotics mobile robots.

Extend the life of your Unitree Robotics Go 1 Quadruped Robot by adding an extra battery!

Delivery within 4 weeks
Price upon request

Improve the autonomy of your Go2 Unitree Robotics robot dog by getting an additional battery!

Price upon request

The Unitree Robotics Go2 Battery Charger is an essential accessory specifically designed to power and recharge the Go2 series quadruped robots.

Price upon request

While the Go2 mobile robot already offers a wide range of charging options, this charging station could well revolutionize the way you use your robot dog. And push back the boundaries of your research and development work!