Tableaux comparatifs des LiDARs

How to select the right LiDAR?

Read our other blog posts from our “LiDAR technology” serie How to select the right LiDAR ? Are you looking for a LiDAR with certains specifications but you don’t know which one is suitable to your project ? Do not panic, we are here to help you ! We provide you here with some comparisons[…]
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Qu'est-ce que la technologie LiDAR ?

What is LiDAR technology?

Read our other blog posts from our “LiDAR technology” serie Definition – What is a LiDAR ? A LiDAR is an electronic component, and is part of the sensor family. More precisely, it is part of the Time Of Flight (ToF) sensor category. A sensor collects data about a physical parameter such as temperature, humidity,[…]
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Programmez micro:bit avec Android et iOS via Bluetooth

Program your micro:bit board from a smartphone!

Did you know that you could program your micro:bit board with only a mobile (and some 4G network)? For those who don’t know micro:bit, it is a single board computer (like Raspberry Pi or Arduino) launched by the BBC in 2015. Since then, this credit card sized nano-computer has conquered the world of education in[…]
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L'équipe Rhoban, championne du monde RoboCup pour la 4ème fois !

How did the RoboCup 2019 edition go?

A few days ago, we wrote a blogpost about the RoboCup preparations in Sydney. Today, we learn a bit more about the different challenges that the teams will have to face during this one week contest! Presentations of the different RoboCup leagues If you think about the RoboCup, you will probably have in mind humanoid[…]
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Comparatif des servomoteurs Dynamixel

How to choose the right Dynamixel servomotor?

The Dynamixel range is a sound choice for use in robotics. These servo motors are developed by the Korean company Robotis, and rank among the most powerful and efficient on the market. Dynamixel servos are used in many research laboratories and universities the world over. They were developed especially for designing robots. Why Dynamixel servo[…]
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Our Python-programmable secondary school robots

In 2018, the French Higher Committee on Curricula (CSP) decided to make Python the official computer language for programming classes in secondary schools. The Ministry of Education has provided more information about these new programmes on the CSP publications page of its website (in French). Python will be used for lessons in digital science and[…]
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Tutorial by Génération Robots Robot mouse

Tutorial robot mouse Colby (Code & Go)

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to start with the robotic mouse Colby / Jack from Learning Resources. On the program: logic, geometry, animals! Activities with the robot mouse Colby Short introduction of the robot mouse Colby Colby is a little robot mouse. It can make sounds, turn on its little light and it[…]
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