Intégration de 4 robots mobiles omnidirectionnels avec des bras collaboratifs sur colonne télescopique pour l’université de Fribourg

Integration of 4 cobots setup on a telescopic column, mounted on omnidirectional mobile robots

CASE STUDY Integration of 4 cobots setup on a telescopic column, mounted on omnidirectional mobile robots Generation Robots provided four mobile manipulator robots, equipped with omnidirectional platforms, telescopic columns, and robotic arms for the University of Freiburg, a renowned institution in the field of research.   This project aimed to develop robotic assistance for household[…]
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Bannière blog spot with arm

Mobile manipulator: an efficient 2-in-1 solution

Mobile manipulator: an efficient 2-in-1 solution A mobile manipulator is an autonomous machine able to navigate its surroundings and perform complex tasks assisted by an articulated arm. It offers advanced perceptual capabilities, including vision and environmental sensing, for safely navigating complex and unpredictable environments. And users can equip its robot arm with various tools to[…]
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Réchauffement climatique : un robot capable de planter des arbres dans le désert

Global warming: using robots to plant trees in the desert

Climate change is one of the most disturbing problems of our time. It’s having devastating effects on our planet, marked by episodes of drought, heat waves, extreme rainfall and weaker ecosystems, not to mention desertification and land degradation. Inappropriate farming practices and global warming are destroying more and more land and diminishing its biological potential.[…]
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Luxonis vs Realsense : quelle caméra de profondeur choisir ?

Luxonis vs. RealSense: Which depth camera should I choose?

Depth cameras are essential for developing autonomous mobile robots, they give them the capacity to see, understand, interact and learn from their environment. They function a little like our own eyes, being able to differentiate between different shapes, colours, movements and depths. These stereo cameras work both indoors and out, regardless of lighting conditions. But[…]
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Ouster REV 7 : une nouvelle gamme de LiDAR encore plus performants

Ouster REV7: a series of even more powerful lidars

Ouster has pushed back the boundaries of digital lidars once again with the launch of its REV7 sensors powered by the L3 chip, which has significantly improved both their range and data accuracy and reliability. This new series also welcomes the new OSDome, a hemispherical lidar that sees everything from floor to ceiling. And the[…]
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Noël 2022 : notre top 5 des idées cadeaux sur Génération Robots !

Christmas 2022: our Génération Robots top 5 gift ideas!

Looking for great gift ideas for Christmas? Génération Robots is here to help! We’ve drawn up a list of affordable gifts available on our website, either already in stock or delivered regularly to our warehouses. Fun ways of introducing your friends and family to robotics and programming. Our top 5 robotics gifts, presents you’ll want[…]
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