Logo de la Semaine européenne de la robotique

Europe set to become leader in robotics?

The possibility of Europe’s becoming the world leader in robotics is not unreasonable; the project certainly has enough fervent support – and the success of the CNES’ Philae robot confirms this idea. Within the framework of European Robotics Week, the Midi-Pyrénées region is organising two events to be held from 27–30 November at the Cité[…]
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Baxter robot found its marks thanks to Intera 3.1

Rethink Robotics announced on Nov. 3rd the availability of a new feature: “Robot Positionning system”. Baxter collaborative robot is now able to manage and adapt to a changing working environment. Intera 3.1, the latest software upgrade, the feature “Robot positioning system” allows to react more quickly to unexpected changes in a working environment such as[…]
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Thymio dans les écoles avec Inirobot

Inirobot Project: the Thymio II robot has arrived in schools

An increasing number of French schools are embracing the digital revolution and consequently, new subjects are making their way into the educational facilities. In addition, the national curriculums revision which should come into effect in 2015, aims to implement extracurricular activities in every French school. In light of this, the INRIA (French Institute for Research[…]
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New ROS package: Baxter Tasker

Baxter Tasker is a brand new ROS package intended for the Baxter Research Robot from Rethink Robotics has been released by Generation Robots. Baxter Tasker gives an interface on both the controlling computer and on Baxter, created to set up a simple pick and place behaviour, while generating the Python code for it.Thus you can[…]
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Baxter RoboBusiness 2014

Five reasons why you should attend RoboBusiness Europe 2014

Europe is gaining traction as a genuine alternative for robotics manufacturers and innovations. After attending Innorobo 2014, the largest European tradeshow in March 2014 , Génération Robots will feature at another major robotics event, RoboBusiness Europe 2014 , occuring from 26th until 28th May 2014. If you’re unsure whether you should attend it or not,[…]
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New software versions for Baxter robot

A major software update for Baxter Research robot Rethink Robotics, collaborative Baxter robot manufacturer has just announced in a quick succession new manufacturing software and SDK releases for Baxter. Baxter has been created in two versions: a manufacturing one dedicated to manufacturing industry running on a software platform that you can program simply by handling[…]
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