Robotique à l'université : retour d'expérience avec Baxter

Robotics at university: feedback after buying a Baxter cobot

Wondering about the benefits of getting students to work on robotic solutions? Prof. Vanderborght, from the University of Brussels, shares his experience. Génération Robots : “First of all, for all people who don’t know you, could you please tell us more about yourself and your department within university?” Bram Vanderborght : Together with prof Lefeber[…]
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Sawyer, le nouveau robot collaboratif de Rethink Robotics

Meet Sawyer, the new collaborative robot by Rethink Robotics

Rethink Robotics yesterday unveiled its new collaborative robot, Sawyer, throughout the world Rethink Robotics , founded in 2008 by former director of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Rodney Brooks , is a pioneer in the field of collaborative robots. In 2012, Rethink Robotics launched Baxter , a revolutionary robot designed for working[…]
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5 project ideas for the Intel Edison board

Explore the world of the small but powerful Intel Edison board! Already heard of the Intel Edison board? This new platform is a full-fledged computer no bigger than an SD card ! It therefore offers great potential for all your wearable creations (e-textiles) and your projects involving the Internet of Things (IoT)! Extremely powerful and[…]
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Robotic simulation scenarios with Gazebo and ROS

Gazebo robotics simulator with ROS This tutorial is intended for roboticists that want to have realistic simulations of their robotic scenarios. Gazebo is a 3D simulator, while ROS serves as the interface for the robot. Combining both results in a powerful robot simulator. With Gazebo you are able to create a 3D scenario on your[…]
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The new MakerBot app for 3D printing from Android!

Printing directly from a smartphone has become an everyday reality. Now, you can also use your smartphone to control your 3D printers ! The revolution has begun… Available for iOS since last summer, the MakerBot app for controlling and managing a 3D printer from your smartphone was sorely missed by the (many) users of the[…]
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Le nouveau SDK v1.1 supporte ROS Indigo

Release of the new SDK 1.1 for the Baxter robot

The Baxter robot’s SDK has been updated to version 1.1: you can now use the research version of the collaborative robot with the latest ROS release – Indigo! First you will need to install Ubuntu 14.04 on your workstation in order to make the very most of the latest version of ROS . Less than a year[…]
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Collaborative robots and traditional robots: 5 key differences

Collaborative robots , or “cobots” (contraction of “collaborative” and “robots”), are definitely a strong trend in today’s robotics developments. Out go the heavy, imposing robots locked in their cages for safety reasons, it’s time to make way for collaborative robots! This blog article will help you distinguish between these two types of robot : collaborative[…]
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