Test du Makey Makey

We have tested the Makey Makey kit!

The Makey Makey kit allows you to transform objects into keyboards ! Modelling clay, sponge, pencil lead… All you need are objects that conduct electricity , a bit of imagination and a few programming blocks on the Scratch software, and children can realise various projects, such as the famous banana piano , a video gamepad[…]
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Dynamixel Tutorial – XL 430 introduction

The DYNAMIXEL X series is a new range of inexpensive high performance servo motors. The XL series has the same mechanical structure as the XM430 and XH430 , and it’s compatible with the latter. These servo motors directly embark their network card which allows the communication with the other servos motors as well as with[…]
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Inirobot Educational resources for Thymio II

Inirobot is a sequence of educational activities which will allow pupils and teachers to become acquainted with robotics. The robotic platform chosen for the implementation of this project is the educational robot Thymio II. With its small size, light weight and colored leds, the Thymio II is the ideal learning tool for kids! The 3[…]
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Génération Robots wishes you a happy new year

2017 – a great year for Génération Robots

A year came to an end, and a new one just began.. it will be filled with new challenges, exciting projects, and sometimes changes for you and us. It was a great year for Génération Robots, filled with new exchanges, travels, partnerships, new robots and cool products! We are starting this new year with a[…]
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Génération Robots presents: Sawyer + Scratch

Genesis of the Scratch + Sawyer project To celebrate the 2017 Scratch conference taking place in Bordeaux as we write these lines, Génération Robots has decided to mix for this one of a king demo, technologies from the factories of the future (Sawyer) with Scratch, a great tool to teach kids and beginners alike to[…]
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