Robotics news

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Moocs in robotics and artificial intelligence

Robotics and artificial intelligence MOOCS

MOOCs ? Massive Open Online Course ! These online courses, accessibleto all and most of the times free of charges are multiplying lately. If you lack of theorical basics for your mobile bases, if you want to have a look at artificial vision or to learn about machine learning,you will find material in these courses.[…]
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Le robot baxter est un robot Collaboratif

Industrial robots: the unleashing of a second wave!

We generally associate industrial robotics with the kind of robotic arms used on production lines in the automotive industry. This is a common image. These robots, derived from automatism, are efficient, accurate and rapid. Since Unimate, the first industrial robot used by General Motors in 1961, these robots have made great progress and are continuing[…]
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Manufacturing Day of Sirris - 2013

Collaborative robots in industry

On 5 November 2012, I was invited by Sirris, in Belgium, to the Smart Factory Day to present a session on the arrival on the market of a new class of industrial robot, called the collaborative robot, and notably the Baxter robot by Rethink Robotics. You can download a commented PDF version of this presentation[…]
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