Education & Robotics

We have been one of the main distributors of educational robots for over 10 years. You will find here all our articles on STEAM education.


Getting started with Cubelets : a tutorial

A tutorial that is presenting the Cubelets is available on Genération Robots. This tutorial is available in the CMS section of the website, that is accesible from the home page of Generation Robots. The direct link to this starting guide is

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Cubelets: the best idea for a long time!

For a long time I had not been so pleasantly surprised by a new robotic solution. The Cubelets come from a project of the Carnegie Mellon University and are a really effective and original way to discover and understand robotics. First, what is a robot? A simple and general definition is based on the paradigm[…]
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Cubelets : la meilleure idée depuis longtemps!

Cela faisait longtemps que je n’avais pas été si agréablement surpris par une nouvelle solution robotique. Les Cubelets proviennent à l’origine d’un projet de l’université Carnegie-Mellon et constituent réellement une manière efficace et originale de se frotter à la robotique. Commençons par le début. Qu’est-ce qu’un robot ? Une définition très simple et générale repose[…]
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