Education & Robotics

We have been one of the main distributors of educational robots for over 10 years. You will find here all our articles on STEAM education.

Robotique à l'université : retour d'expérience avec Baxter

Robotics at university: feedback after buying a Baxter cobot

Wondering about the benefits of getting students to work on robotic solutions? Prof. Vanderborght, from the University of Brussels, shares his experience. Génération Robots : “First of all, for all people who don’t know you, could you please tell us more about yourself and your department within university?” Bram Vanderborght : Together with prof Lefeber[…]
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5 project ideas for the Intel Edison board

Explore the world of the small but powerful Intel Edison board! Already heard of the Intel Edison board? This new platform is a full-fledged computer no bigger than an SD card ! It therefore offers great potential for all your wearable creations (e-textiles) and your projects involving the Internet of Things (IoT)! Extremely powerful and[…]
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The new MakerBot app for 3D printing from Android!

Printing directly from a smartphone has become an everyday reality. Now, you can also use your smartphone to control your 3D printers ! The revolution has begun… Available for iOS since last summer, the MakerBot app for controlling and managing a 3D printer from your smartphone was sorely missed by the (many) users of the[…]
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Learning through robotics: an interview with Didier Roy

Schools in the 21st century are gradually incorporating new technologies into their curricula and educational tools. Digital and robotics do have a great deal to offer in the classroom, as they increase pupils’ motivation and help reduce inequalities and academic failure. We interviewed Didier Roy , a researcher in the INRIA Flowers team and maths[…]
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French state education: more robotics in schools?

State education in France is on the brink of a major revolution. Increasing numbers of work groups, proposals and initiatives are today contributing to the creation of more innovative schools. Innovative schools: the new government flagship In early November, François Hollande launched the Plan pour le numérique à l’école ( Plan for Digital Technology in Schools[…]
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„Malen nach Barcodes“ mit Thymio II

Wie bereits bekannt, ist der Thymio II ein recht wendiger mobiler Roboter , der sich gut zum Erlernen der Programmierung eignet. Er kann jedoch noch weit mehr! Denn der vom renommierten Polytechnikum von Lausanne (EPFL) entwickelte , mobile Roboter kann auch als digitaler Pinsel zum „Malen“ digitaler Bilder eingesetzt werden. So lassen sich mit Thymio 2[…]
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Have a go at digital painting with Thymio II

As you’ll have already gathered from reading our earlier postings, Thymio II is quite a versatile mobile robot . You can of course use it to teach people about programming, but that’s not all! This mobile robot, created by the famous Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, can also serve as a digital paintbrush. For[…]
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Thymio dans les écoles avec Inirobot

Inirobot Project: the Thymio II robot has arrived in schools

An increasing number of French schools are embracing the digital revolution and consequently, new subjects are making their way into the educational facilities. In addition, the national curriculums revision which should come into effect in 2015, aims to implement extracurricular activities in every French school. In light of this, the INRIA (French Institute for Research[…]
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