Customer cases & applications

Application cases and usage scenarios of the robots we distribute. Some of these robotic solutions were created by Génération Robots.

Cas client GR Lab Pepper chez EDF

Customer case study: Pepper for EDF at Viva Tech

The context Our Génération Robots Consulting Firm in service robotics (the GR Lab), joined forces recently with communications consultancy Auditoire (Coca-Cola, Nissan, Carrefour) as part of the Viva Tech event. Attracting some 200 speakers, 5,000 start-ups and numerous large groups like Orange, EDF, Facebook and even Google, this new event dedicated to technology set some[…]
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Robotique à l'université : retour d'expérience avec Baxter

Robotics at university: feedback after buying a Baxter cobot

Wondering about the benefits of getting students to work on robotic solutions? Prof. Vanderborght, from the University of Brussels, shares his experience. Génération Robots : “First of all, for all people who don’t know you, could you please tell us more about yourself and your department within university?” Bram Vanderborght : Together with prof Lefeber[…]
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