What can I say to the Pepper robot , developed by Softbank Robotics (basic channel mode)

Note: These sentences are the canonical forms. A canonical form is the standard. Some of variants can also work. For example, you can also try “How can I call you?” for “what’s your name?”
- Hello Pepper!
- How are you?
- Can you say goodbye?
- What can you do?
- Tell me all you can do.
- What did I say?
- Can you repeat please.
- What is your battery level?
- Are you charging?
- What is your IP address?
- Are you connected to Internet?
- What time is it?
- What day are we?
- What languages do you speak?
- Speak French.
- Can you speak French?
- Speak Japanese.
- Can you speak Japanese?
- Speak Chinese.
- Can you speak Chinese?
- Speak Italian.
- Can you speak Italian?
- Speak Spanish.
- Can you speak Spanish?
- Speak German.
- Can you speak German?
- Speak softer.
- Speak louder.
- Can you move your head?
- Can you turn your head?
- Can you look up?
- Can you look at me?
- Can you look elsewhere?
- Stop looking at me.
- Can you stretch your arms?
- Raise your arms.
- Make your hands move.
- Can you open your hands?
- Can you close your hands?
- Can you put your hands behind?
- Hands up!
- What’s your name?
- What is your nickname?
- Introduce yourself.
- How tall are you?
- How much do you weigh?
- How old are you?
- When is your birthday?
- Are you a boy or a girl?
- What are you made of?
- What colour are you?
- What is your tablet for?
- Are you kind?
- Are you cool?
- Are you intelligent?
- Can I trust you?
- Are you human?
- Are you alive?
- Are you sentient?
- Can you think?
- Can you feel emotions?
- How do you detect emotions?
- Do you eat?
- Can you talk?
- Can you see me?
- Can you hear me?
- Can you understand me?
- Can you remember me?
- Are you a robot?
- What is a robot?
- What is a humanoid robot?
- Will robots replace humans?
- Do you know the laws of robotics?
- Do you know Nao?
- Do you know Romeo?
- Why is your name Pepper?
- Who decided to call you like that?
- Who made you?
- Where were you made?
- Do you have a family?
- Do you have friends?
- What is your friend’s name?
- Can we be friends?
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