Quelles applications pour la technologie LiDAR ?

Which applications for a LiDAR?

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Read our other blog posts from our “LiDAR technology” serie

How to select the right LiDAR? LiDAR integration with ROS: quickstart guide and projects ideas

In this article, we will list some of the applications using a LiDAR . Indeed, last improvements of LiDAR performances allow us to develop and find new possibilities.

The video below presents the top 5 uses of LiDAR technology . It is a great introductive insight in current LiDAR implementations.

LiDAR technology has several applications and uses across various industries and fields, and especially in robotics, take a look below.

LiDAR technology applications for the environment

Surveillance tasks

Forest / deforestation managment


Atmospheric activities

Volcanic activities

Use of LiDAR in modeling

Modeling: flood, soil, pollutants, tsunami forecasts

Surveys for scientific research purposes

Different kind of surveys:

  • Biodiversity
  • Glaciers
  • River level

Water penetrating green light of the LiDAR can be used to see things underwater and helps create a 3D model of the terrain. Underwater information of a river can help us understand the depth, width, and flow of the water. It helps in monitoring the floodplains.

Use of LiDAR technology for an in-depth study of the environment



  • Atmospheric physics
  • Oceanography

LiDAR applications in human activities


  • Tourism and park management
  • Military uses
  • Farming

LiDAR can be used to create 3D slope and sunlight exposure areas maps. This information can be used to identify the areas which require more water or fertilizer and help the farmers to save time, money and efforts.

Use of LiDAR in modeling

Crime scenes and speed guns trajectories

Accidents simulation

But also:

  • Cellular network implementation


  • Vegetation assessment and urban activities

Use of LiDAR in order to create classification

  • Bridge inspection
  • Measurement of wind speed and wind turbines

LiDAR for studies

  • Oil and gas exploration
  • Archeological and architecture discovery
  • Infrastructure optimisation
  • Carbon absorption

LiDAR wavelength is shorter. It operates in ultraviolet, visible region or near infrared. This helps to image the matter which is of the same size or larger than the wavelength. So LiDAR can detect pollutant particles of carbon dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, and methane. This information helps researchers to create pollutant density map of the area which can be used for better planning of the city.

Mapping with LiDAR

  • 3D imaging and mapping
  • Obstacle detection and scanning
  • Autonomous vehicles

If you’ve seen a self-driving car before, you’ve probably seen a LiDAR sensor. LiDAR works as an eye of the autonomous vehicle. Imagine if your eyes allowed you to see in all directions all the time. Imagine if, instead of guessing, you could always know the precise distance of objects in relation to you.

LiDAR and robotic mobile bases

Most of indoor or outdoor mobile robots embedded a LiDAR to map its environment for enhancing its mobility. Below, you can find some applications using a mobile robot with a LiDAR.

  • Food and Grocery Delivery, navigating sidewalks, pedestrians, and more while bringing hot or cold food to a customer.
  • Autonomous car and truck have a 3D LiDAR at the top to see every obstacles at 360°.
  • Security, roaming corridors to identify security issues, such as unauthorized people, and open doors and windows.
  • Retail, scanning aisles for product replenishment needs and answering questions for shoppers.
  • Industrial Automation, providing safety and efficiency in agriculture, construction, logging, maritime, mining, pipeline inspection, and railway.

    Adding a LiDAR to a robotic arm

    LiDAR can be added to a robotic arm so that it will create a safety area around the robot, allowing an operator to work next to it. Robotic arms are useful for pick and place tasks.

    They can be found in distribution centers and factories, improving the pick and palletization processes and improving products assembling.

    LiDAR and drones

    Drone are used for surveilling an area as farmland and warehouse, mapping unreachable places, deliver some product or liquid or filming sport competition.
    In order to map and monitor the environment, those drones are composed with LiDAR.

    Humanoid robot and LiDAR combination

    Humanoid robots are used to welcome the public in order to guide them, deliver some info, etc. Those robots need to detect obstacles in order to have a smooth navigation and interaction. Some humanoid embedded a LiDAR along with other sensors in order to achieve those tasks ( Pepper robot has 5 of them).

  • In this article, we presented you various applications using LiDAR technology.
    The latest improvements on LiDARs allowed us to implement some new behaviours to manage new taks.
    In robotics field, sensors enhancements, as LiDAR ones, have lead robotics industries to sell stat-of-the-art products with an high accuracy.

    Read our other blog posts from our “LiDAR technology” serie

    How to select the right LiDAR? LiDAR integration with ROS: quickstart guide and projects ideas

    Do not hesitate to browse our LiDAR selection or to contact us if you need additional information or a quotation.

    LiDAR distributed by Génération Robots

    Ouster Lidar for mobile robots LiDARs Slamtec LiDARs YDLidar
    LiDARs Robosense LiDARs Hokuyo LiDARs SICK